They finally let us go home!
After clear x-rays and perfect labs they decided it was OK for us to go home. As happy as we are to have finally been discharged, it makes us very nervous to have Abby home. We have 6 more weeks until her sternum fully heals. We have to be very careful with how we pick Abby up and do our best to keep her from climbing or anything else that would put stress in her chest. Plus, there is still a chance the fluid could re-accumulate which would send us right back to CHOP. We go back on Wednesday for a follow up visit where Abby will get labs, a chest x-ray and an echo to make sure this hasn't happened. For now, we are just going to do our best to enjoy being back home. Thank you all so much for all the support, prayers and positive energy. It means more to us than you could ever possibly know.
After clear x-rays and perfect labs they decided it was OK for us to go home. As happy as we are to have finally been discharged, it makes us very nervous to have Abby home. We have 6 more weeks until her sternum fully heals. We have to be very careful with how we pick Abby up and do our best to keep her from climbing or anything else that would put stress in her chest. Plus, there is still a chance the fluid could re-accumulate which would send us right back to CHOP. We go back on Wednesday for a follow up visit where Abby will get labs, a chest x-ray and an echo to make sure this hasn't happened. For now, we are just going to do our best to enjoy being back home. Thank you all so much for all the support, prayers and positive energy. It means more to us than you could ever possibly know.
Yeah! I am glad everything went well. My son is going to need another surgery sometime soon, and I am not looking forward to that because there is a huge difference in 3 months when he couldn't move to now being three.
Oh I am so glad you are home!! Please let me know what I can take Anna and bring her over for a playdate!
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