They placed Abby's chest tube late yesterday afternoon. Between the two drains they have drained over 1200 cc of fluid out of her chest which has made a big difference in how she feels. Her o2 sats are much higher and she looks a lot better. Best of all, she actually slept last night! And in typical Abby fashion, all the doctors and nurses are totally enamored with her and have said she's the best 3 year old they've ever had come through here. I sure think so :)
Now we have to work on getting some food in her and getting up moving around. She's still complaining of pain, especially where the new tube is, but they won't even talk about removing anything until they see how much drainage there is when she's up walking around.
Anna came for a visit yesterday. Unfortunately, it was right when everything started to go south with Abby and it turned into a pretty difficult visit. Anna is worried about her sister but Ya-Ya is taking good care of her and keeping her busy. I'm hoping Abby is up and moving around soon so Anna can come back and see her looking much improved.
Thank you again for all the good thoughts and prayers. We're ready to get home, but the drainage problem could keep us here longer than we planned, so keep praying that resolves itself soon now that the new chest tube is in place.
Now we have to work on getting some food in her and getting up moving around. She's still complaining of pain, especially where the new tube is, but they won't even talk about removing anything until they see how much drainage there is when she's up walking around.
Anna came for a visit yesterday. Unfortunately, it was right when everything started to go south with Abby and it turned into a pretty difficult visit. Anna is worried about her sister but Ya-Ya is taking good care of her and keeping her busy. I'm hoping Abby is up and moving around soon so Anna can come back and see her looking much improved.
Thank you again for all the good thoughts and prayers. We're ready to get home, but the drainage problem could keep us here longer than we planned, so keep praying that resolves itself soon now that the new chest tube is in place.
How heart breaking to see Abby not feeling so well and Anna worried about her. :( Very happy to hear Abby is feeling better. XO
Awesome news! Thanks! We're ALL PRAYING for ALL of YOU!
Anna told Mom-mom that she had a nice visit with Abby. She wants Abby to feel better and is making things to cheer her up, but she doesn't seem overly worried about yesterday :)
I hope the second chest tube did it's job & is ready to be taken out. I cannot believe how much your special little 3 year old has had to endure. She must be a saint!
Abby is my hero!!
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